Impresii despre R&J scoala schi din Poiana Brasov / Ski Reviews of R&J ski school Poiana Brasov

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I came to poiana for my first ski experience,and after 3 days if skiing it’s amazing how much progress I have made.
It’s mostly because of roxana. She is an amazing tutor. She took me slowly and gradually through all the steps with an incredible patient, and always with a smile.While we skied she always had an eye for my mistakes and could easily identify what I had to do to improve. When I followed her advice, the improvement was immediate. 
I strongly recommend!
Date of Posting: 23 March 2015
Posted By: Lior Mor 
Thanks a lot Janin and Roxana for fantastic tuition and patience! We all really enjoyed our holiday and that was a big thanks to you for helping us learn from the beginning!
Also thanks for the great contact with Claudio for ski hire – so friendly and convenient for the slopes!
See you soon, and good luck
Date of Posting: 27 February 2015
Posted By: Chris Marsh 
In primul rand vreau sa ma felicit personal ca dupa multe cautari pe internet (din Oradea), de instructori de schi pentru fetita mea de 5 ani, am ales Perfect acest site si implicit pe instructoarea Roxana, de care am fost Extraordinari de Multumiti in conditiile in care fetita mea nu a mai incaltat claparii nicioadata, iar dupa 5 sedinte a cate aproape 2 ore (cu mici peroade de odihna si joaca in zapada) pe partia Bradul a fost in stare sa coboare din Masivul Postavarul singura (sub atenta observare a Roxanei) pe Drumul Rosu. Fericirea a fost mai mare cand la sfarsitul perioadei de instruire fetita mea a luat-o in brate pe Roxana sa-i multumesca. Specific ca pe perioada instruirii eu si sotia am schiat stiind ca fetita noastra este pe Maini Bune.
In concluzie va recomand cu Cea Mai Mare Placere pe Instructoarea Roxana si pe colegul ei Janin.
Multumim Roxana si abia asteptam (de Lavy nu mai vorbesc cat de nerabdatoare este sa mearga iar cu tine la schi) sa ne vedem peste 2 saptamani la o noua sesiune de schiat !!! 🙂
Date of Posting: 18 February 2015
Posted By: Baciu Olimpiu 
Oradea – Romania
In acest weekend am venit in Poiana Brasov impreuna cu iubita mea, cu gandul de a invata sa schiem. Pana in ziua aceea nici unul dintre noi nu mai pusese schiuri in picioare.
Cautand pe google am gasit scoala de ski R&J si in urma convorbirii telefonice am stabilit o intalnire cu un instructor in numai 30 min.
Impreuna cu el am fost si am inchiriat echipament de ski, bineinteles echipament ales de instructor pentru nivelul nostru de pregatire.
Dupa ce ne-a invatat cum trebuie sa ne alegem si sa folosim corect echipamentul de ski am mers pe partie unde am trecut la “proba” practica.
Concluzia este urmatoarea: dupa 2 lectii de ski cu Janin si Roxana, instructorii de ski , eu si iubita mea stim sa stam corect in pozitia de schiat, mergem singuri pe schiuri, stim sa oprim, stim sa ocolim, ceea ce pentru noi este o mare realizare.
Dupa aceste 2 lectii am ramas singuri pe partie unde am continuat fara ajutor.
Atat Janin cat si Roxana sunt instructori ski de la care intelegi totul din prima, sunt foarte calmi si foarte prietenosi.
Dupa aceasta experienta suntem convinsi ca nu puteam gasi niste instructori mai buni decat ei.
Pe aceasta cale vrem sa le multumim pentru tot ce ne-au invatat si le promitem ca vom reveni pentru continuarea cursurilor.
Date of Posting: 04 January 2015
Posted By: Sorin & Georgiana 
Rise to our trip in Romania.
Roxana perfect instructor for children even if you do not control the English language ..
Heartfelt thanks
The Simkovitz Family..
Date of Posting: 13 April 2015
Posted By: Sharon Simkovitz 
Fantastic ski instructors Roxana and Janin. We couldn’t have done it without you. Thanks again . Jenny
Date of Posting: 27 February 2015
Posted By: Jenny Young Huxley 
Tom and I spent 8 days skiing in beautiful Poiana Brasov at the beginning of December. We had an amazing holiday which we will never forget. It was our fist time skiing but thanks to Janin and Roxana, we got the hang of it quickly and we were skiing down the mountain after only a couple of days! Janin and Roxana made sure that we were safe and comfortable at all times – but also made sure we were challenged and that we reached our full potential over the course of the week. On our last day we were even carefully guided down the black slope! Tom and I had great fun with Roxana and Janin – they are kind, considerate and fun teachers. They made our holiday the huge success that it was. The prices were so reasonable and nothing is a problem. I would highly recommend a holiday in Poiana Brasov and ski instruction with Janin and Roxana. We will most definitely be going back – we didn’t want to go home!!
Kate & Tom (Ireland)
Date of Posting: 28 December 2014
Posted By: Kate 
Recent am petrecut cateva zile in Poiana,in timpul saptamanii,cand aglomeratia era practic inexistenta!
Am decis impreuna cu iubita mea sa dam o tura pe partia Bradul.Dar surpriza:aproape niciun centru de inchiriere de echipamente;in afara de acesta!
Initial vroiam pe snowboard(am mai avut cateva experiente),dar oamenii mi-au recomandat ski! Un pic reticent la inceput,am spus sa vad cum e! Si mi-a placut maxim. 
In doar o ora,instructorul meu Janin,m-a invatat basic-ul…plugul,cum sa cad(daca e sa o fac :)) ) si multe altele! Am fost si sunt fooooarte multumit de Janin! Se vede ca este un profesionist si stie sa faca foarte bine ceea ce face! Recomand!!! Cu siguranta voi reveni!
Date of Posting: 08 December 2014
Posted By: Marius P 
We could only initiate our kid for 3 days this year in Poiana Brasov. Enough for getting to love the sport and enjoying every minute of it. Not without the support of Roxana and Janin, which we contacted by email and were supporting throughout the process.
Perfect skying, excellent teaching skills, Roxana was marvellous with our little Victor!
We will come back next year to the same teachers!
Date of Posting: 06 January 2014
Posted By: Anca Pristavu 
Primul contact cu zapada din viata lui Rani (nepotul de 6 ani) a fost o surpriza placuta datorita Roxanei si lui Janin, o pereche de instructori de schi foarte atenti,cu multa rabdare si cu zambete.Rani nu a avut timp sa-i fie frica si dupa 2 minute, cu “pitza mare” si “spagheti” a inceput sa “schieze”.Dupa 3 zile de initere in tainele schiului (doua ore in fiecare zi) a inceput sa aibe siguranta , sa se amuze de cazaturi si a coborat singur (supravegheat de Roxana plina de zambete)toata pista!
Va multumesc si ne revedem in curand, cu ceilalti nepoti!
Dr I. Stefan si Rani
Date of Posting: 12 December 2013
Posted By: Stefan 
Va mulțumim pt ce ne-ați învățat, a fost extraordinar si sunteți cei mai tari instructori de ski din Poiana Brasov, sper sa ne revedem cât de curând sa ne invățați si alte trucuri din ski.
Luca abia așteaptă…
Date of Posting: 10 December 2013
Posted By: Ionut Radu 

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